Pet Sitting | Dog Walking | Pet Care |

Services & Pricing

MEET AND GREET:  We provide an initial consultation with you and your pets.  A representative closest to you will come to your home to meet you and your pet(s), and provide you with a pet care information/instruction form to fill out; this also gives us permission to treat your pet, medically, if necessary while you are away.  $15

KEY EXCHANGE We provide key exchange for return clients who arrange service with a new or repeat representative. Charge is only if the representative schedules a visit to pick up/drop off the key.  $10

CANINE CARE Leave everything at home; we come to you!  Avoid the hassle of gathering up and transferring all of your dog's food, treats, toys, bedding, etc. Your assigned representative will visit your dog(s) three times per day with all the comforts of home at his/her disposal.  We will let your dog(s) outside on all three visits and provide a short walk during at least one of the three visits at no additional charge.  All dogs are played with and given lots of love at each visit, along with treats, meals and fresh water as instructed by you prior to departure.

CARE SCHEDULE AM visits take place between ~7 AM and 9AM EVENING visits take place between ~ 3 PM and 6 PM BEDTIME visits take place between ~  9PM and 12 AM NOTE: Your dog's visits will never be more than 12 hours apart and visit times last between 30-45 minutes depending on the schedule of your assigned representative 

**You will need to provide waste disposal supplies for your representative to use for the clean up of your dog(s).

RATES Daily Charge: $40 Single Visits: $15 Additional dogs will be $15/day or $5/visit

FELINE CARE Cats are definitely creatures of habit and sleep!  What better way to travel than with your cat(s) in the comfort of his/her home while you're gone!  Your cat will receive one to two visits daily and will receive food and fresh water as instructed prior to departure.  We will make sure that litter boxes are maintained every day.  As allowed, we will play with and give lots of love to each kitty! The attention will be just as if you were home!

**You will need to provide a waste deposal site for when litter boxes are cleaned by your representative.

CARE SCHEDULE You, with your representative, prior to your departure, will determine the exact visit times for your cat(s).

RATES Single visits $15 Additional cats will be $3/visit

BIRDS/POCKET PETS Pet Trackers is willing and able to take care of all types of pets (birds, pocket pets, fish, etc) Pet Care will be provided as instructed by you prior to your departure.

RATES Additional pets will be $3/day

ALL PETS: We are willing and able to give extra care to pets with special needs.  You don't need to worry about leaving your pet if they are on any medication, we will make sure they remain on a schedule while you're gone.

RATE $10/reservation/pet

Your representative will also arrange for any necessary medical treatment with Dr. Woodward or listed Veterinarian, if necessary, while you're gone, under conditions of the waiver.


OVERNIGHT CARE Pet Trackers will stay the night in your home with your pet(s) to provide that "24-hour" extra comfort care that some pets need while their owners are gone.  We are happy to stay with your pet as long as they need us!

RATE Overnight package: $65  [This price includes daily pet care as well as overnight stay for one pet, additional pets are charged as above per day.] 

PETSITTING: "Babysitting" it's not just for kids anymore! Pet Trackers is able to come over to your home and stay at your home with your pet while you have to run out for the day/evening.  This is perfect for puppies and/or geriatric pets. 

RATE $15/hour

PET SPAW Is there pet care that you just haven't had the time to get to?  Let us do it while you're gone.  It is nice to have owners come home refreshed from their time away.  It is also nice to come home to your pet, refreshed from the following Pet Spaw services:

PET FACIAL:  This package includes tooth brushing, rinse and a dental chew. $10 PET PEDICURE : This package includes a nail trim for the front and back nails. $10 HYDROTHERAPY : This package includes shampoo, conditioner, "style" , and bandana. $25

**If you are electing Pet Spaw service, you must provide your representative with the necessary supplies to perform the service i.e. toothbrush, nail trimmer, shampoo, etc. 

HOUSE CARE: You don't need to worry about the maintenance of your home while you're gone, either!  We will make it look like you're home, even though you're not!  Avoid the hassle of stopping your mail, worrying about plants and other daily tasks, we'll take care of it, along with your pet(s)!

SERVICES Bringing in mail daily - FREE Adjusting drapes and lights/television on/off daily - FREE Watering indoor plants - FREE Bringing trash to and/or from the curb on trash day - FREE

Other services like yard/outdoor plant watering, shoveling and mowing are available on a per hour basis as agreed to by the representative. 

OTHER NOTABLES: All prices are subject to sales tax and a charge for gas

All new clients are charged a one-time administration fee of $15 for account set up and representative assignment

Cancellation fee is $35 if the reservation is cancelled after the initial meet and greet has been completed.

Payment Pet Trackers accepts checks, cash,credit cards and PayPal

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